Qurrah ibne-Da’mus Radiyallahu ‘anhu narrates that we
met Nabi Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam during the Farewell Hajj and asked: O
Rasulullah! What do you enjoy upon us? He replied: I enjoin upon you to
establish Salat, and give Zakat, and perform Hajj of the Sacred House of Allah,
and Saum in Ramadan, as verily therein is a night superior to a thousand
months; and likewise prohibit you from shedding the blood of a Muslim and a
Mu’ahid or taking their property except to uphold justice; and advice you to
hold fast to that Deen of Allah and adhere to obedience (of those who are
steadfast in Deen).” (Baihaqi)
Note: A
Mu’ahid literally mean one who has entered into atreaty or alliance, referring
to a non-muslim living in an Islamic country under the protection of the
Islamic state, having entered into a pact with the state known as a pact of
Dhimmah. As a token of his allegiance and submission to the state, he pays a
minimal annual tas known as Jizyah, far less than the benefits and protection
that is secured for him.
He is also known by the title of Dhimmi. A non-muslim
entering the Islamic state for a temporary period, under the protection and
guarantee of any Muslim, similarly enjoys protection of his life, wealth and
The life, wealth and honour of every Muslim as well as
non-Muslims under the conditions previously mentioned are deemed sacred and
protected, with the exception of crimes that require compensation for the same,
such as the death penalty for the murderer, and monetary compensation for
destruction of another’s property etc.