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Those people who do not have the capability to read Masnoon dua's (invocations derived from the tradition of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) in Arabic, can, indeed, achieve closeness to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala by invoking Him through reading their translation, and Insha Allah, they will get reward of it. In this way, they are acting upon the decree of Allah that أدعوني "invoke Me" (regarding everything). Further more they are also acting upon a Hadith " الدعاء هو العبادة " Dua (invocation) is the essence of every prayer or worship". Since this invocations have been reported on the authority of the Prophet Sallallhu 'alaihi wasallam, they are comprehensive and free from any kind  of error or disrespect. Therefore, even those who can read Arabic language must occasionally read their translation to grasp the meaning of the invocations to know for what they are invoking Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Then this invocation would be real invocation. (Allah knows better) Mohammad Yunus Palanpuri

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