What are the invocations for the morning Part 5

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(05) The Prophetic remedy for offering thanks to Allah for His blessings of the day and night
(Recite once)

 اللَّهمّ مَا أصْبَحَ بي من نّعْمَة اَو بأَحَد مّن خَلْقكَ فَمنْكَ وَحْدَكَ لَا شَريكَ لَكَ فَلَكَ الْحَمْد وَ لَكَ الشّكْر

Translation : O Allah! Whatever blessings I have or all the other creatures of Yours have, that is bestowed only by You. And there is no partner of Yours (in their creation). Therefore, all praises and thanks are due to You.

Virtue: Any person who recite this Du'a in the morning has offered thanks to Allah for His blessings of the day and night.
(Abu Dawood 4/318)

It is preferable that invocations of the morning should be completed in between the time period from dawn to the rising of the sun.

Note: It is permitted that the invocations of the morning should be recited in between the duration from dawn to the beginning of the noon.

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