What are the invocations for the morning Part 2

share and show love
02) The Prophetic method for getting benefit in the Life and the Hereafter
(Recite 7 times)
حَسبي الله لَا إلهَ إلاّ هوَ عَلَيه تَوَكَّلت وَ هوَ رَبّ العَرش العَظيم

Translation : I have placed my hope in Him and he is the Owner of the Glorious Throne.

Virtue: Whoever would recite the above mentioned invocation seven times, he would be benefited in the matters of the life and in the hereafter. (Amal Al-Yaum wal-Lailah by Ibnus Sunni, p. 38; Abu Dawood 4/321:Jayyed)

Note: Recitation of above mentioned Dua' sincerely or insincerely will remove problems.
(Hayatus Sahaba 3/342-343)

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