How to benefit from the power of ALLAH Subhanahu wa Ta'ala?

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 How to benefit from the power of ALLAH Subhanahu wa Ta'ala?

In order to benefit directly from the power of Allah Ta’ala, by fulfilling the Commandments of Allah Ta’ala in the way of Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam, Salat is the most important and basic action.

Islam has built upon five pillars and Salat is one of it:
1. The Shahadatain which is to testify that none is worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah-this comprises the kalimah Tayyiba;
2. The second is Salat which is the obligatory prayers and the most important and basic actions;
3. To give Zakat to one who is in needs;
4. To perform Hajj;
5. And to fast in the whole month of Ramadhan.

The hadith of this lesson is as follows:

Salat (Prayers) 001  
‘Abdullah Ibne-“Umar Radiyallahu ‘anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alai wasallam said: “Islam has been built upon five pillars: 1) To testify that none is worthy of worship but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, 2) to establish Salat, 3) to give Zakat, 4) to perform Hajj, and 5) to fast (Saum) in Ramadhan.” (Bukhari)

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